How to Change Your TikTok Username

If you are among the more than 1.677 billion monthly TikTok active users in 2023, learning how to change your TikTok username can be very useful. It just takes a few minutes, and you can choose the username that suits you best.
There are several reasons for changing a TikTok username. For example, if you misspelled your name when creating your account, or if you changed to a business account and wish to use a more professional username.
Difference Between TikTok Username and TikTok Nickname
Before understanding how to change your TikTok username, it is important to know its difference from a TikTok nickname.
The username is what you use to access your account, along with the password. It can only have letters, numbers, underscores, and periods. On the other hand, a nickname is what is displayed on your profile, in the comments and direct messages you leave to indicate that it's you.
For example, a TikTok username could be john_smith, while the nickname is John Smith. The nickname can have up to 30 characters, and it can be changed every seven days, while a username can only be altered every 30 days.
How to Change Your TikTok Username
Changing the TikTok username is very simple, you can complete this task in less than 5 minutes. However, if you have a verified account, you should be aware that you will lose the verification. In this case, it's recommended to contact TikTok support.
1 - Enter your TikTok account;
2 - Access your profile;
3 - Click on "Edit profile";
4 - Click on "Username";
5 - Change the username as you prefer;
6 - Click on "Save".
How to Change Your TikTok Nickname
Besides knowing how to change your TikTok username, you can alter your nickname as well. All you need to do is:
1 - Enter your TikTok account;
2 - Access your profile;
3 - Click on "Edit profile";
4 - Click on "Name";
5 - Put the name you wish;
6 - Click on "Save".
How to Choose a Good TikTok Username and Nickname
If you are a content creator or managing a company's social media profiles, it's necessary to pay extra attention when choosing the username and nickname for TikTok. After all, the profile may be used for marketing purposes.
Choose Easy to Remember Nickname and Username
If someone wants to find your profile on TikTok, they can type your username or nickname in the search bar, therefore they must be easy to remember and spell. This increases the chances of being found on the platform. Avoid using a sequence of numbers, for instance.
Be Consistent Across All the Social Media Profiles You Use
Try to keep the same username and nickname on all the social media pages and profiles you create for yourself or for a brand. This way, your Instagram followers who want to follow you on TikTok as well, just need to type the same words to encounter your profile. This also helps with building a consistent and coherent brand image.
Keep Them Close to Your Brand Name
When it comes to brand profiles, it's advisable to use the brand name for the username and nickname. People already associate the brand with its name and logo, if you use other words, they might feel confused and doubt if the TikTok profile they are accessing really belongs to the brand.
Use Words Related to Your Niche
However, there are cases when the username you wish for is already used by another TikTok account. In this situation, what you can do is use the name of the brand with words related to your niche or industry sector.
Enjoy TikTok Marketing Potential
Now that you have learned how to change your TikTok username, what about getting to know more about the features this social media platform has to offer? Explore its tools, and create unique content to publish on the platform. You can promote your brand and reach a new audience.
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