JivoChat CRM Features. Make your client base even more effective

JivoChat is more than just a way of communicating with customers. We provide a service that helps you set up communications, develop relations with customers, retain them, and get more orders. For that, we are adding new CRM features.
Clean up your database through segmenting users by specific criteria. Create your own set of tags to find out the most frequent customers’ requests, share of special-purpose requests, and ratio between first-time and repeated requests. This is especially helpful if you have a lot of chats.
This feature will help you optimize communications with returning customers. Describe the dialog results in comments, specifying the topic and outcome. If the client contacts you again, you or your colleagues will not have to re-read the chat, and the most important information about the client will be at your fingertips. This way you will save time and improve user experience. The client will know that you remember them.
JivoChat has even more CRM features that will help you serve customers better.
Reminders make it easier to continue service. With it, you will never forget about the arrangements and contact a customer on time. Create a reminder in a dialog with a customer, leave a description, and set the time. The app will remind you of the customer. You will receive notification both in the desktop and mobile apps.
You can assign every customer a specific status. This will help clean up your customer database and pick out the most beneficial customers you need to serve. Statuses show which stage the customer is at. Use default statuses or add an unlimited number of your own ones.
Responsible agents
You can assign a responsible agent to every dialogue in the dashboard on the right. This will help distribute tasks within the team and make your customer base even more effective.
Repeated customer requests will be initially sent to the responsible agent. Only if they don't respond, the notification will be sent to all the agents in 15 seconds.
Most CRM features are available in the free version of JivoChat.
Learn more about all the features in our Help Center.
Manage your customer base efficiently!
— Your JivoChat Team
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