21 Steps to start advertising your ecommerce on Facebook
Facebook is nowadays the best tool for you to promote the products of your ecommerce. Its low cost and wide range make it an excellent choice for those who have little money to invest or even for those who want to invest thousands of dollars a month. But the big question is, how to invest? How to increase the chances of having a good return on this investment? Throughout this article, we'll share 21 steps to get you started advertising on Facebook. Follow them all very carefully and surely advertising on Facebook will be easier.
1. Create Your Fan Page
Without creating your Facebook page, it will be impossible to create ads.
2. Think about your target audience
Before making your first ad, properly targeting the target audience is critical. Otherwise, you will be presenting your products to those who have no interest in buying it.
3. Make link ads
When you will advertise on Facebook, there are several interesting options. But without a doubt, link ads are the most interesting.
4. Think well about the products you are promoting
There are some products on your site that are more likely to be sold than others, correct? So, use the products with the largest sales leads to use in your Facebook ads.
5. Have your site well optimized for sale
It may sound cliché, but an error on your site may be enough to invalidate the conversions of your ads. Before you advertise, check to see if everything is perfect with your site: whether the shopping cart is working, whether the links are all correct, whether the photos match the product, etc., etc., to use for your Facebook ads.
6. Will it advertise to Desktop or mobile?
Facebook gives you the ability to advertise to Desktop, to mobile, or to both simultaneously. Just choose the mobile option if your site is responsive.
7. Choosing the right image
The ad image is key to the success of your ad on Facebook. Before you advertise, think carefully about the image you are going to use and if necessary, hire a designer to produce it.
8. Think well about your ad text
Alongside the image, ad text is also critical to drive more clicks and visits to your site. When creating the text, think about how you'll use it to get the user to click on the ad.
9. Lateral or News Feed?
These are the 2 sites you can advertise on Facebook. While News Feed is more expensive but generates more clicks, Lateral has fewer clicks but turns out to be cheaper.
10. Use your email list
Facebook has the "Custom Audience" option. It allows you to upload the list of emails from your e-commerce to Facebook and show your ads.
11. Use visits from your site
The "Custom Audience" option also allows you to make ads for people who visit your site. It is also known by Remarketing.
12. Crie audiências Lookalike
A partir das "Custom Audiences",você pode criar públicos mais alargados e com características semelhantes. É uma boa opção para quando quiser procurar públicos mais amplos.
13. Delete audiences
On Facebook, you can also include pixels on your purchase confirmation page. These Pixeis are for you to create an audience that will be connected to Facebook. Once this audience is created, you can exclude them from your ads. This strategy is for you to not show ads and consequently spend money with those who have already bought your products.
14. Days of the week or week end?
Pay attention to your conversions and see if your ads perform better at the weekend or on weekdays. In some cases, not making ads on the weekend, for example, may be a good option.
15. oCPM, CPC, or CPM?
Facebook gives you several possibilities when it comes to advertising. These are CPC, CPM or oCPM. If you are in doubt about which ones to use and do not know what they mean, use oCPM. Usually generate better results in most situations.
16. Beware of over 20% of text
Facebook has a very specific rule: You can not advertise images with more than 20% text. If you do, you may have your ad blocking
17. Be aware of Facebook rules
In addition to the 20% text, Facebook also has other strict ad guidelines. Read about them before you advertise on Facebook.
18. Beware of blocked account
If you do not pay attention to the previous point, you can have your ads account blocked and you can no longer advertise on this social network.
19. Follow Frequently
Do not just upload your ad to Facebook and expect results. It is necessary to go along with the performance to know if it is on the right track.
20. Respond to users
Reply to users. When making an ad, be careful to answer any questions or even comments that may arise.
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21. Test, test and test
Test, test and test. To understand what works best on Facebook, you have to test, especially ad variations.
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