Instagram Precise Location: What It Is and How It Works

Instagram Precise Location service can be a useful feature when you want to tag places in your stories and feed posts. It already indicates the place you are in, you just need to confirm. However, there is a reasonable concern about privacy.
Do other people have access to your precise location? How is this information used? Is it possible to deactivate it? Those are some reasonable doubts this topic brings. Check out the article to know the answers, and learn how to protect your privacy.
What Is Instagram Precise Location Service?
When you download the Instagram app, it asks permission to have access to your location. If you agree, every time you open the app, this data is shared with the social media platform. Therefore, if you record stories through Instagram, and click on add location, it will suggest locations based on where you are at the moment. You just need to click on the address and tag it.
This is also available when publishing pictures and videos in your feed. Many businesses enjoy this feature to promote their stores. For example, they partner up with digital influencers who visit their place and include the location in posts. This way, the audience who sees the posts can click on the location to know the address and visit it too.
Despite being an interesting feature, many people feel insecure about enabling Instagram to have access to their location in real-time. This has raised concerns regarding whether the precise location was seen by other Instagram users. But, you can choose to use this feature or not.
How to Turn On and Turn Off Instagram Precise Location
To manage Instagram precise location service, it's very simple. If you use an iPhone, what you need to do is:
1 - Go to"Settings";
2 - Click "Instagram" to access its settings;
3 - Click on "Location";
4 - Choose t when Instagram should have access to your location: "Never", "Ask Next Time or When I Share", "While Using the App", or "Always";
5 - Define if you want to enable precise location or allow only approximate location.
If you use an Android device, follow the steps below:
1 - Go to "Settings";
2 - Click on "Apps";
3 - Select Instagram;
4 - Click on "Permissions";
5 - Click on "Location;
6 - Choose when you want to enable access to your location.
Who Can See Your Instagram Precise Location
"If I enable precise location, does this mean every time I insert a location on a post people will know exactly where I am?" That is the main concern related to this service, and the answer is no.
The app will use your precise location for internal purposes and to suggest places you can tag in your posts, Instagram users can't see your exact address. They will see what you choose to show, for example, the name of the restaurant you are in, or the city you are in.
Pay Attention to Apps Data Policy
Instagram precise location service isn't the only one that catches attention when the subject is the data you share and how it's used. Every time you install a new app, don't give all permissions requested automatically.
Analyze the data policy to know who will have access to your data and how it will be used by the company responsible for the app. And, keep tuned when the data policy is updated to avoid having any problems. It's important to mind this not only for Instagram but for any app you will install.
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