How to Sell Clothes Online: Top 21 Platforms

Reading time30 minutes
Jaqueline Corradi
Jaqueline Corradi
Content Manager

If you want to learn how to sell clothes online, here is good news: it may be simpler than you think. When you have a business plan, use the right tools to put the products available, and know how to promote your brand, it's possible to quickly start earning and build a successful brand. 

In the US, the fashion industry appears at the top when it comes to online sales, and its profits are around $400 billion per year in the country. Certainly is a big market not only in the US, but all over the world, and you can sell to different niches. From sports clothes to luxury items. 

How to Sell Clothes Online Step By Step

1. Define the Type of Clothes You Will Sell

The image show clothes, a pair of shoes, a watch, a tie, and a scarf on a bed.

The first step to starting your business of selling clothes online is to define what items will be available on your website. For example, will you sell women's, men's, or kids' clothing, or all of them? Which type of clothing?

You can have a line of formal clothing with suits and party dresses, casual ones, or sports clothing. It depends on the target audience you want to focus on, and what your business model is. 

If you wish to target a small niche, you can become an expert in a very specific sector, such as selling only t-shirts with movie and pop culture references. On the other hand, you can invest in variety and commercialize different types of clothes for children, teens, men, and women. 

In the first case, you have less competition, therefore it's easier to make your online store stand out. In the second situation, you have a bigger number of potential customers, but the number of competitors is also bigger. Another aspect that is going to influence your decision on the types of clothes to sell is if you will manufacture them or resell the items. 

With the strong debate about the impotence of finding ways to have a more sustainable way of life, many people are worried about conscient consumption s, and trying to buy second-hand clothes or from brands that take action to preserve the environment. 

Thrift stores are becoming more popular, for example. Besides, if you don't want to start a whole business, you can sell that you don't use anymore online and make extra money with it. You can manage all the orders at home and sell to people all around the world. 

2. Research Who Your Target Audience Is

After defining what type of clothes you will sell, it's time to understand who are the people that might be interested in your products, which means your target audience. It's fundamental to get to know them, so you will be able to create selling and marketing strategies that will attract them. 

As you are beginning a new business, it's common not having any data about their consuming behavior, but you can find information by doing market research, Try to answer the following questions: 

  • What age group do most of my target audience belong to?
  • Where do they live?
  • What social media platform do they use most?
  • What is their average income? 
  • What are their main demands? 
  • How my products can help solve their demands? 

When you answer those questions, you are going to have a better-defined profile of your potential customers, which will serve as a guide to plan your business. The target audience's behavior must always be considered when you take a decision, they are a crucial part of your online clothing store. 

For example, imagine you are going to sell party dresses for proms. Probably your target audience will mostly be teenage girls between 17 and 18 years old, who are in the last year of high school. You will need to take into consideration the type of dresses that are on trend. But, you also need to remember that the parents are the ones who are probably going to pay for the clothes, so they must be included in the sales strategies too. 

3. Define How to Source Your Products

How you are going to source your products is a fundamental part when it comes to how to sell clothes online and there are multiple possibilities. Your brand can be in charge of making the clothes from scratch, you can resell from other companies, or sell items that have already been used and create an online thrift store, for instance. 

Make Your Own Line of Clothes

If your company is going to be responsible for making the clothes, then you need to organize the manufacturing process. This includes choosing the suppliers, hiring a fashion designer, and dressmakers, developing a quality system, and so on. Your brand will be in control of all the steps until the product is delivered to the customer. 

This can be used as a marketing strategy, to show your clients that when buying from your brand, they know how every item was made. If you adopt sustainability principles, even better, there is a growing demand for companies that are concerned about the environment, and also that support social causes. 

Another option, though, is to hire other companies to manufacture your clothes. They will be in charge of the production, but the final products will be sold with your brand's label. In this case, it's still fundamental to keep track of all the processes and make sure that your partner companies respect the same values your company does. 

Sell Clothes from Other Brands

Another alternative when the subject is how to sell clothes online, is opening an ecommerce website that commercializes products from several brands. In this case, you will have to negotiate with the brands to buy the items for a good price and set up the logistics, but you won't manufacture the pieces. 

Urban Outfitters is an example of a store that sells multiple brands. You will need to make a selection of labels that are going to be available in your store considering who your target audience is, and how much they are willing to pay for clothes. 

Sell Pre-Owned Clothes

What about creating an online thrift store? In 2020, this industry reached a revenue of $10.5 billion. And the profits have grown, in 2022, the revenue went up to $14 billion in the US. 

Online thrift shops have become a success too, because people can find vintage items and buy them with a few clicks. There are different types of fashion thrift stores online. Some of them focus on selling pre-owned luxury items, like rare items from renowned brands such as Christian Dior and Gucci.  

On the other hand, you will find online thrift stores that make the low price their main marketing strategy, where buying different types of clothing becomes more affordable. It's up to you to decide what items you wish to sell, then understand how to source the products. 

4.  Choose the Sales Channel

After knowing who your target is, and deciding the products you will commercialize, it becomes simpler to decide which sales channel to use. The main ones on the internet are:

  • Your own ecommerce website
  • Marketplaces like Amazon and eBay
  • Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp

Each one of those sales channels has its advantages and disadvantages. You will need to consider what is worth to your business. 

Having your own website gives you more freedom and flexibility since you can choose the layout, add your brand's visual identity to every detail, create multiple sections, and beyond the selling section, have other sections like a blog, an about us page, a FAQ (frequently asked questions), and much more. Nowadays, there are several platforms that enable you to create your website without having coding or design skills. 

Marketplaces and social media networks also offer great sales opportunities. However,  different from your company website, you have less autonomy regarding how to display and market your products, but you can enjoy the customer base those sites already have. Marketplaces usually charge a monthly fee for keeping your store, and a commission for each sale. 

It's interesting to invest in a strategy that includes more than one sales channel, this way the customer can choose to buy in the platform they feel more comfortable with, and you can expand your brand's reach. 

5. Make a Business Plan

A business plan is a document where you are going to describe how your company will work and profit. It's fundamental to help you organize the steps to building your brand. In the future, if you want to look for partnerships, the business plan will help you to present and sell your idea to others. This document should contain: 

  • Business concept
  • Goals and vision
  • What you are going to sell
  • The highlights of your products or services
  • Target market
  • Potential customers profile
  • Marketing plan
  • Financial plan

6, Create a Website

It's time to put what you have learned about how to sell clothes online into practice and start building your company's website. You have the option to create the website from scratch and host it yourself, but this requires coding and design expertise, or you can build it using a website builder. 

Platforms like Wix, and Shopify enable you to develop your pages using pre-built templates, with an easy-to-use editor. They also offer management tools to make it easier to keep track of all your orders and control every sales channel in a single place. 

7. Upload the Products

Once your website is ready, you need to upload all the products, set the prices, write the description, and define the payment and shipping methods available. Before publishing the product pages, make sure everything is correct, so the customer won't have any problems when accessing the pages. 

Categorize the products in different sections, so it's easier to find them. Keep the inventory always updates to avoid problems like selling more items than you have. Also, make sure to define a doable delivery deadline, considering all the processes until the item gets to the customer's home. It's essential to respect the period defined because it gives credibility to your brand, and enhances the chances of conquering loyal clients. 

8. Develop Marketing Strategies

Knowing how to promote your brand and products is fundamental to catching your target audience's attention and start profiting. As you will sell online, it's interesting to invest in digital marketing strategies, which includes: 

Creating social media pages for your brand: identify the main social media platforms that your customer use, create a page or profile for your company, and publish high-quality content continuously. 

Advertising online: invest in publishing ads on Google, social media platforms, and websites that are highly used by your customers. You can enjoy the PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns and set up the ads to be shown specifically to your audience, which enhances the chances of turning leads into customers. 

Having a blog: enjoy your website to create a blog for your brand, You can publish about different topics that are related to the fashion world and that will drive traffic to your website, increasing your company's visibility. 

9. Use Analytics Tools

After your online store is open and functioning well, use analytics tools like Google Analytics to understand even more about your customers' behavior. You can identify the main sources of traffic to your website, the most accessed pages, the geolocation of your target audience, the average time spent on your website, and many other types of information. Enjoy them to create more accurate marketing strategies, and increase sales.

5 Tips to Sell Clothes Online

1. Take Good Pictures

The image shows a woman taking a pitcture.

Put yourself in your customer's shoes, when you buy clothes online, what do you look for? Would you buy a piece of clothing that you can't see how it fits in the body or its details on the images? Probably not. 

It's important to take high-quality pictures of all the clothes you are going to sell. The images must show the products as close as possible to reality. Post more than one image, showing the front, the back, and the small details in the clothes. Besides, it's interesting to make the zoom-in and zoom-out features available as well. 

2. Write Complete Descriptions

The product description complements the product images, so the customers can have even more information about the piece of clothing they are about to buy. The description must contain the fabric composition, the clothing measures, the brand, the colors, and any other detail that is relevant to the item. 

3. Use Social Media to Promote Your Products

The image shows social media icon apps on a smartphone

Social media platforms offer a huge potential to engage with your target audience, straighten customer relationships, and convince people to buy your products. Instagram and TikTok are perfect for clothing stores as it focuses on video and images. 

However, to enjoy what those platforms have to offer, you need to plan the content and publish regularly. Make posts that talk about topics your target audience is interested in and are aligned with your company's identity. Also, make posts to announce when you are going to launch a new collection or an item and to announce sales or coupon discounts. 

Encourage your social media followers to like the posts, write comments, and send direct messages. Use features like polls and quizzes to get to know more about your potential customers. Don't forget to check your inbox and always answer the messages, this shows you value your customers. 

4. Enjoy Special Seasons

Holidays like Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Christmas, and others, are great for physical and online stores in different sectors, and this includes the fashion industry. Plan special campaigns to make the most of those dates. You can launch unique collections with the holiday theme, give a coupon discount or a gift for each purchase, for example,

5. Partner Up With Digital Influencers

Digital influencers have built groups of followers around them, who trust and value what they have to say about brands and products. As the name already suggests, they have the power to influence people, and this includes influencing what they will buy. 

An interesting way to promote your brand is by researching the digital influencers that your target audience follows and choosing some of them to advertise with. You can even make special campaigns where people who get to your online store via digital influencer content have a coupon discount for the first purchase. 

21 Top Platforms to Sell Clothes Online

1. Wix

Create your own Ecommerce with Wix today

Undoubtedly, one of the best platforms available to sell clothes online is Wix. With a user-friendly interface, you are going to see that creating an online store is simpler than you have ever imagined. 

No design or coding skills are required, you will start by creating your account and choosing one of the business plans offered: Basic, Unlimited, or Vip. But, no worries about making the wrong choice, in all of them you will have the 14-day trial, so you can test everything you need. 

Wix offers more than 500 free pre-built templates, divided into categories such as product landing pages, accessories stores, beauty shops, supermarkets, and fashion stores. After defining the one you want to use, it’s up to you to customize the entire store, to turn it into your brand’s face. 

Then, you will add the products, choose the payment and shipping methods, create your domain name, and you are ready to launch. To help in this process, tWix has some very useful features, for example, Wix Payments where you can set up payment methods without having to add third parties. 

Wix also has an automated sales tax calculator, making it easier to define the prices. Beyond that, you will have a mobile-friendly ecommerce,  where you can set multi-channels to make your sales, like using social media, and manage everything from one dashboard. 

Highlighted features: 

  • More than 500 free templates
  • Wix payments
  • Automated sales tax
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Currency converter
  • Express Checkout
  • Abandoned cart recovery
  • Multichannel inventory management
  • Built-in SEO tools
  • Wix Owner app

2. Shopify

Shopify logo

Shopify is one of the most popular solutions to learn how to sell clothes online, and quickly create your ecommerce. You can choose between more than 70 customizable, responsive themes, and adjust everything according to your business needs with the drag-and-drop builder. 

To offer the main payment option, such as credit cards, there is no need to add third parties, you can use Shopify Payments. Regarding managing your online store, you will have access to a dashboard that is easy to navigate through. You can see valuable data about the sales and your audience, using it to improve your business plan

The management area is accessible by Shopify mobile app too, you can control everything wherever you are. Besides, you will be able to add more than 6 thousand apps to help you grow your business, including marketing and social media tools. 

Highlighted features:

  • Drag-and-drop store builder
  • Shopify Payments system
  • Mobile-friendly design
  • Built-in SEO tools
  • Easy-to-use dashboard
  • Shopify mobile app
  • Synced inventory across all your sales channels

3. Bluehost

Unlimited hosting services by Bluehost

With Bluehost, the process to learn how to sell clothes online becomes much simpler. You can have the website of your dreams and enjoy AI tools. Choose your domain name and the hosting plan that best suits your needs, then select a pre-built template. You can customize all the pages, change the colors, add pictures, texts, graphic elements, and much more. 

To guarantee the quality of your website, Bluehost offers automated security updates, backup data protection, and 24/7 customer support. If there is any problem, you can count on specialized assistance. 

To enhance user experience and make it easier to manage your online store, you can install multiple plugins to the website too. To help you increase organic traffic, the platform provides SEO tools, and you can check the performance of the pages with the analytics dashboard. 

Highlighted features:

  • Free domain
  • Free SSL
  • Free CDN
  • Pre-built templates
  • Insightful analytics
  • Automated security updates
  • Backup data protection
  • 24/7 support
  • SEO tools
  • Powerful plugins

4. SITE123

Site123 logo

Site123 offers many features to build a complete online clothing store and facilitate the management process. Focused on small businesses, your ecommerce store will be quickly ready, you choose a template, customize it, establish the type of your store, add your products, and define taxes and shipping rates.

After launching, you can easily manage your online store at the Site123 dashboard, which can be accessed on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.  As payment methods, you will be able to add the main credit cards, PayPal, and other major payment gateways. In case of any doubt, you can count on 24/7  live chat support, and, to ensure your customers’ security, you will have SSL certificates.  

Highlighted features:

  • Many types of payment platforms
  • Manage shipping and tax rates inside the system
  • Automated store inventory
  • Choose the accepted currencies
  • SSL Certificates
  • Sell from any device
  • 24/7 live support

5. Webnode

Webnode logo

Webnode allows you to migrate a website that you already have or create a new one. You will find several templates to opt for the one that suits you best and customize it, including choosing the idiom. The system has 24 language versions, offers an unlimited number of pages, and allows you to edit on any device.

You can add new products in a few minutes, just upload the pictures, write the description, set prices, and click to publish. Every time there is an order at your store, you receive a notification, you can manage the status order, notify your clients, and archive the fulfilled orders. 

Regardless of the template you choose, all of them are mobile-friendly, improving customer experience. Also, you can set different payment methods, credit cards, wire transfers, Stripe, and PayPal, among others. 

Highlighted features: 

  • Responsive store templates
  • Store statistics
  • Quick and simple checkout
  • Import products in bulk
  • Export to price comparison sites
  • GDPR friendly
  • Cookie consent bar
  • Integrates with Google Analytics

6. Shoplazza

Shoplazza logo

Shoplazza offers you an easy-to-use platform to create your online clothing store. You can choose a pre-built theme, then use the drag-and-drop online store builder to customize the pages as you wish. 

You will count on an inventory management system to make it simpler when it comes to organizing the stock and the orders. It stops sales when the inventory reaches zero, avoiding selling out-of-stock items. You can upload an unlimited number of products and customize up to 300 product variants.

You even have the option to add the buy button on other websites and blogs, which weren’t created by Shoplazza, so you can sell in more places. Improve the checkout process using the platform AI (artificial intelligence) suggestions. 

Highlighted features:

  • Pre-built templates
  • Drag-and-drop online store button
  • Inventory management system
  • Marketing tools
  • SEO tools
  • Staff accounts
  • Multiple payment options
  • Shipping partners

7. BigCommerce

BigCommerce logo

BigCommerce offers solutions for small to big companies that want to develop their online store websites. If you are just starting your business or already have a well-established brand in your market sector, you will find the right features that align with your business objectives.

BigCommerce Essential is focused on entrepreneurs who are starting their businesses and allows you to create a website store with no complications. Before launching your ecommerce you can start a trial and develop your website with customizable templates. 

You can set your domain, install plugins to leading page providers, and sell at other platforms by integrating channels, such as Amazon, eBay, and Google, and manage everything from BigCommerce. 

Another feature is the possibility to easily manage your inventory and integrate it with online and offline channels. To help you improve, you can count on 24/7 support, including advice from BigCommerce experts. They also have webinars, tutorials, and guides. 

BigCommerce Enterprise has all those advantages, but also offers tools for companies who desire to design with more freedom, has flexible API, allows you to use any front-end, and has specific tools for companies focused on business-to-business (B2B) sales. 

Highlighted features:

  • Customizable URLs
  • Plugin POS integration to leading providers
  • Channels integration
  • Optimized one-page checkout 
  • Shopping cart recovery
  • Inventory management tools
  • 24/7 support
  • Product filtering for searches
  • Built-in coupons and discounting

8. WordPress Ecommerce

WordPress ecommerce website

WordPress Ecommerce allows you to have a completely personalized online store and still offers the best management tools. You can start taking payments in seconds by enabling the PayPal button, and easily setup debit and credit card payments.

You will be able to publish content and sell products using the same platform. WordPress also provides multiple plugins to enhance user experience, increase sales, and guarantee your website is safe. You will have the option to sell not only physical products but digital items as well.

Highlighted features:

  • WordPress themes
  • Different types of plugins
  • Google apps
  • Sell physical and digital products
  • Enable subscriptions
  • Customization tools
  • Easy-to-use website editor

9. Ecwid

Ecwid page

Are you looking for a free ecommerce website builder? Ecwid allows you to create your store without having to pay anything and upgrade to a paid plan only if you want it. The free plan allows you to sell on different channels, like Facebook, Instagram, or Amazon, and simply manage everything with a centralized inventory.

You can develop and control your marketing strategies on the same dashboard, for example, by creating and following up on Google and Facebook ads performance, sending automated messages to your clients, and integrating with Mailchimp.

Ecwid enables you to include several payment methods, more than 50 options, in a fast and safe way. Besides, you can choose as many shipping options as you want.

Highlighted features:

  • Create your online store for free
  • Customizable design tools
  • Sell on social media
  • Centralized inventory
  • Manage your marketing actions in one place
  • Integrates with Mailchimp
  • Real-time shipping rates

10. WooCommerce

WooCommerce logo

Are you looking for an ecommerce builder that works perfectly for WordPress websites? No doubt, WooCommerce is the best solution for that, because it was built on WordPress, which means considering all the necessary features to perfectly sync with it.

If you already have a WordPress website, what you are going to do is to add the WooCommerce plugin and customize your store with pre-built templates. But, if you don’t have it, you can start by creating your account and setting up the site along with your online store. 

One of the greatest advantages of WooCommerce is that you can add several extensions such as TaxJar, Google Ads, Mailchimp, ShipStation, Jetpack, and Facebook. They are going to help you manage your strategies in a more centralized way, and also improve the customer experience. 

Built with a REST API, Woo Commerce was thought to be a scalable tool, which means it is able to adapt according to your business needs, as you grow. To enhance your performance and learn from others, you will count on a  huge global community and be able to participate in several meetups. 

Highlighted features:

  • Built on WordPress
  • Customizable, open-source ecommerce platform
  • 140 specific payment gateways
  • Live shipping rates
  • Marketing integrations
  • Support forum
  • Set prices in multiple currencies
  • Create multilingual content
  • Scalable platform 
  • Hundreds of extensions
  • Manage the store from your mobile device
  • Track your stats
  • 30-day money-back guarantee

11. Jumpseller

Jumpseller logo

When you understand how to sell clothes online, one important part is the brand’s visual identity. Having customizable mobile-friendly templates will make that task much easier, and Jumpseller offers it. You can edit all the pages the way you wish, including the checkout, and have your store set up in different languages. 

Jumpseller is partnered with shipping companies, allowing you to save money by using the discounts offered, and other facilities like print labels. Besides, you can expand your business by accepting payments from different currencies and using local payment methods. 

The ecommerce builder has an all-in-one platform where you can manage different sales channels on the same dashboard, and create marketing strategies too.

Highlighted features:

  • Customizable theme
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Translate your store into several languages
  • Create your domain
  • Discounts with partnered shipping carriers
  • Accept various currencies
  • Connect to social media
  • Sell in several channels

12. Strikingly

Strikingly logo

Strikingly enables you to easily create your online store. You will find a big amount of customizable templates, which are easy to edit and all of them have a responsive design. The platform offers 4 different plans, Free, Limited, Pro, and VIP, all of which have the possibility to include an online store. 

You should pay attention, though, to the number of products each plan allows you to add. For example, in the free plan, you can sell only one product. On the ecommerce management dashboard, you can connect to PayPal or Stripe, easily set shipping methods, and add coupons. 

Besides, Strikingly has tools to help you create membership logins, and forms, set up email marketing, and direct your customers to your social media pages. 

Highlighted features: 

  • Register a new domain or use one you already have
  • Analytics built-in
  • HTTPS built-in
  • Easily customizable templates
  • Add links to your social media pages
  • 24/7 support
  • Create and manage forms
  • Register memberships

13. Weebly

Weebly logo

Enabling entrepreneurs for developing professional ecommerce websites to sell clothes has become much simpler through Weebly. With customizable themes, you can edit the one you choose and easily create a unique store by using the drag-and-drop builder. 

Weebly also offers several marketing tools, for example, you can send a welcome email to new customers or a special discount when you see an abandoned cart. You can also analyze your ecommerce performance through SEO tools and install a huge variety of apps to make the customer experience even better. 

You can launch and manage your store from anywhere, using the mobile app on your smartphone or tablet. The inventory is easily tracked, and, in case of needing to add a big number of products at the same time, you can bulk import.

Highlighted features:

  • Customizable themes
  • Marketing tools
  • SEO tools
  • Several apps to install
  • Real-time shipping rates
  • Bulk import
  • Coupon builder
  • Product search
  • Automatic tax calculator

14. WiziShop

WiziShop logo

WiziShop enables you to build a website that is technically ready for SEO, which helps to get your pages to rank better in search engines like Google. You will have the flexibility to develop your pages as you wish, starting by selecting a professionally designed pre-built template that suits your needs. Customize it to align with your brand’s identity.

WiziShop has all the tools you need not only to design the pages, but also to promote your online store, and manage it.  To enhance customer experience, you can include banners, customer reviews, abandoned cart follow-ups, and much more. 

You will also count on Wizishop’s CMS (Content Management System) to create a personalized sales funnel and develop marketing strategies as well. You can choose the payment system that suits your company best, set the delivery methods, create a domain name, and start selling. 

Highlighted features:

  • Pre-built templates
  • Responsive design
  • SEO tools
  • CMS
  • Website hosting
  • Analytical tools
  • Email marketing

15. Shift4Shop

Shift4Shop logo

Shift4Shop offers many resources to create an ecommerce website, starting from giving you a big variety of professionally designed, industry-specific, and mobile-friendly templates. They have a web design tool to help you customize everything, but you can edit directly the HTML and CSS too. 

The free plan includes unlimited products, features, and bandwidth. You will also count on migration assistance and fraud protection. Shift4Shop provides marketing tools, as well, like built-in e-mail marketing, and the possibility to include group deals, daily deals, coupons, and discounts, among others.

It also has cart abandonment recovery tools, focused on automatically engaging users, and motivating them to finish their purchase. Another benefit is that each part of your website is pre-optimized for SEO.

Highlighted features:

  • Inventory management tools
  • Product management software
  • Analytical tools
  • Cart abandonment recovery tools
  • SEO optimization
  • Visa CPI Certified Security
  • Real-time shipping rates
  • Integrated with PayPal
  • Centralized inventory to sell in different channels

16. Volusion

Volusion logo

Developing your online store without knowing how to code, and being able to set up everything by choosing a pre-built responsive theme: Volusion makes it possible and also provides a 14-day trial.   

After customizing your website design, you can add several tools such as shipping methods, other selling channels, automated email, payment gateways, and stats about your store performance. Besides, the built-in SEO management will help you to gain more visibility.

When adding your products, you have the opportunity to use some tools that will make it even simpler and more effective, like variant pricing, import products via CSV, and rich text product descriptions. 

Highlighted features:

  • Responsive themes
  • Add site search
  • Built-in SEO
  • Integration with marketplaces
  • Secure checkout
  • Comprehensive management system
  • Search friendly URLs
  • Admin Social Management
  • Reporting tools

17. Adobe Commerce

Adobe Commerce logo

Adobe Commerce, which was formerly known as Magento, is the ecommerce website builder from Adobe. It helps companies to provide a great shopping experience, with several features. 

In the page builder, you are going to encounter an intuitive interface and content editor that allow you to customize everything, using the drag-and-drop tool. You can also integrate the store with other selling channels, use B2B solutions, and easily manage your inventory.

Highlighted features: 

  • B2B ecommerce
  • Customer segmentation and personalization
  • Integrates with other sales channels
  • Cloud-based services
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Live search
  • Instant purchase
  • Connected Enterprise Resource Planning

18. SquareSpace

SquareSpace logo

Squarespace enables you to create an incredible ecommerce website that suits your business needs perfectly. You can choose which template has more to do with your brand's visual identity and customize it by choosing the images, the color palette, and the fonts. 

Each online store sector has its specificities, taking that into consideration Square Space includes many tools to add to your choice and also has marketing features. This way, you can implement actions such as email campaigns, through the platform. 

Highlighted features: 

  • Customizable templates
  • Mobile optimized design
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Centralized inventory
  • Real-time shipping estimates for US customers
  • Simple payment and checkout
  • 24/7 support
  • Automate sales tax filing
  • Built-in SEO tools

19. PrestaShop

PrestaShop logo

With PrestaShop, you can count on a highly scalable and flexible option to have an online store that suits your client’s needs. You can fully personalize the website pages by choosing a pre-built theme, adding useful features, selecting the color palette, font, inserting images, and much more. 

The platform has an intuitive interface, which means you and your team can easily learn how to navigate through its tools and make the most of it to offer the customer experience. You can manage everything from a single platform, including controlling the inventory, the payment process, and shipping. 

You also can enjoy the marketing tools to launch campaigns and promote your brand. Another advantage is the option to sell internationally, by having a multilingual store and adding multi-currency options.

Highlighted features: 

  • Pre-built themes
  • Easy-to-use
  • All-in-one-platform
  • Sell internationally
  • Marketing tools
  • Analytics tools
  • Customer support

20. Sellfy

Sellfy logo

Sellfy is an easy-to-use ecommerce platform that allows you to create your clothing online store with just a few clicks. It was developed focusing on helping creators to sell their digital products and merchandise online, such as t-shirts with unique prints.

To begin, all you need to do is sign up for the platform, add your products, then customize every page to have your brand’s identity. You can also use Sellfy to commercialize your products on social media like Facebook and Instagram and manage everything in one place. Enjoy the built-in marketing features to promote your store and enhance your revenue. 

Highlighted features: 

  • Easy-to-use
  • Sell products and subscriptions
  • Responsive design
  • Customization tools
  • Built-in marketing features
  • Sell from social media
  • Multiple payment options

21. BigCartel

BigCartel logo

The BigCartel platform is recommended for artists who want to sell their products online. If you are a fashion designer looking for starting your own line of clothes and commercialize it, this website builder will help you. 

 You will find the proper tools to make it easier to run a creative business. To begin building your online store, select one of the pre-built themes, and customize it according to your brand’s visual identity.

Then, add the products, and set up important configurations such as the payment and shipping methods. You can count on very useful tools to manage your store, fulfill orders, update products, check stats, and run promotions from any device. 

Highlighted features: 

  • Developed for artists by artists
  • Easy-to-use
  • Pre-built themes
  • Personalization tools
  • Management tools

Start Your Fashion Business Online

Now that you have learned how to sell clothes online, enjoy the opportunity and start planning how to make your dream of having a successful fashion business become a reality. One of the advantages of the Internet is that it cost less to have an ecommerce website than a physical store. 

You can invest your money in buying the products or manufacturing them. Don't forget to implement marketing strategies, and make the most of social media, which are free platforms to promote your brand and products.

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