How to Use Pinterest for Blogging

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Jaqueline Corradi
Jaqueline Corradi
Content Manager

If you know how to use Pinterest for blogging, the social media platform can be a great space to promote your articles and drive traffic to your website. You can create inspiring and creative boards to catch your target audience's attention and engage with them through Pinterest.

With over 400 million active users per month in 2023, Pinterest is centered around sharing images and videos. Users can pin the content they find interesting, and create boards of different themes.

It's a social network commonly used to find decoration, fashion, and design references. But, you can enjoy Pinterest's visibility to promote blog articles about various topics. Check out the article to learn more about it.

6 Steps to How to Use Pinterest for Blogging

Before you start understanding how to use Pinterest for blogging, take time to get acquainted with the platform. Research content related to your business and blog, and get to know the most successful pin accounts in your sector. This will help you to get insights about what you can post.

1 - Create a Pinterest Business Account

Similar to most popular social media platforms, like Instagram and TikTok, you have the option to create a personal or a business account. In this case, you should choose the second one. It will provide you with a set of tools developed for professional content creation.

You will have access to Pinterest Business Hub, and Pinterest Analytics. This enables you to keep track of key performance indicators (KPIs) to understand how people engage with your boards and pins. If you already have a personal account, it's possible to turn it into a business one, or you can create another account without having to pay anything.

2 - Align Your Pinterest Profile With Your Brand Identity

Set up the Pinterest profile based on your brand identity. This includes choosing a profile picture, which can be your business logo, and writing a bio that summarizes what your brand is about in an attractive way. Link your blog to the profile.

3 - Create Boards Based on the Topics You Will Approach on Your Articles

After your Pinterest account is all set up, it's time to develop content that will attract the audience you target on your blog. To do that, it's essential to understand what your public likes to see on Pinterest and identify the type of images that attract their attention on this platform.

Create boards considering those characteristics, and organize the boards based on the main themes of your blog. It's important to keep your Pinterest profile aligned with your blogs, as one complements the other.

For example, if you have an article that is about how to organize a home office to enhance productivity, you can make a board with images that illustrate the ideas you talked about.

4 - Make a Pin For Each Blog Post

Plan yourself, so that every time you publish an article on your blog, you also pin an image or video to one of your Pinterest boards. The pin image can be the cover of the article, for instance, or a collage of related images.

In the pin description, invite readers to check the article and link to it. Choose an image that has the potential to catch your target audience's attention to make them open the pin, and follow the call to action to visit the blog and read the article.

Just as you link to your blog articles in your Pinterest boards, you should do the other way around. Use a social media plugin to insert a piece of your Pinterest feed in your website pages, so people can click on it and be redirected to your profile.

If you don't want to include the feed, another possibility is t to put the social media icon on the right side of the website page layout. The images in the blog articles should be pineapple, which means when someone places the cursor on them, they will see the option to pin them to their boards.

6 - Analyze Your Pins and Boards Performance

Use the Pinterest analytics feature to analyze how your content performs on the platform. You can see how many of your pins were shared each month, and the number of engaged accounts. Another advantage is being able to see the most shared, clicked, and saved pins and boards.

Enjoy analytics to identify the type of pins you should keep creating, and what you should avoid. You may also check Pinterest trends to create pieces of content aligned to them, which can increase your visibility

Create Visually Attractive Pins

When it comes to how to use Pinterest for blogging, it's essential to understand this social media platform has a great visual appeal. Therefore to succeed in it, you must create and use high-quality attractive images, that will compel users to click and pin them on their own boards. This will increase your reach, and chances of driving traffic to your blog articles.

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