What Is Copy In Marketing? Types and Benefits

Reading time11 minutes
Jaqueline Corradi
Jaqueline Corradi
Content Manager

What is copy in marketing? Knowing the meaning of terms like this is important if you want to learn more about how marketing works in the Internet era. Copy is connected to writing high-quality texts that can compel your audience to follow your call to action (CTA), and move on in the sales process.

A good copy requires writing skills beyond correct grammar and spelling (that is the basic). It's necessary to know how to instigate the reader's curiosity to keep reading and convince him to do what you desire, for example, subscribe to a newsletter, buy a product, or engage with your brand and create a strong relationship with it.

What Is Copy In Marketing?

Copy in marketing refers to writing texts to persuade the reader to follow an action, for example, to buy a product or service, subscribe to a newsletter, or download an app. Copy is a type of text used in different channels such as blog articles, landing pages, social media posts, emails, and much more.

The writer, called a copywriter, will implement a set of techniques to achieve the purpose of the text. They can use storytelling to engage the readers with the brand values and beliefs and create a strong relationship with them. Another strategy is to present the products' benefits explaining how they can solve the customer demands.

Difference Between Content Writing and Copy

When the question is "What is copy in marketing?" it's common for people to associate it with content writing, despite being related they aren't the same thing.

The main function of copywriting is to lead the reader to take a specific action. On the other hand, in content writing the main purpose is to drive organic traffic to a website, to social media profiles, and enhance brand awareness.

They use different writing techniques, which can complement each other. In copy in marketing, you will often see direct calls to action such as "subscribe to our newsletter", "download the ebook", "click to buy", or "complete your purchase".

Content marketing has educational purposes, for example, raising awareness about a customer's demand, and explaining how they can solve it. This strategy is often used when a person is at the beginning of the buyer's journey.

It's improbable that a call to action such as "sign up now" will be effective in the awareness phase, therefore in content writing you may not even see a call to action. However, the text must be well-written to compel the reader to continue browsing the website, reading other articles, and moving on in the buyer's journey.

Copywriting is commonly used in:

  • Non-digital ads;
  • Sales email campaigns;
  • Landing pages;
  • Website banners ;
  • Blog posts;
  • Social media ads.

Content writing is often used in:

  • Educational emails;
  • Tutorials;
  • Blog posts;
  • White papers;
  • Ebooks.

Summarizing copy's main function is to sell, and content writing is to inform and educate the customers.

6 Types of Copy

1. Website Copy

Website copy is used in multiple website pages, which includes blog posts, product and service descriptions, about us section, landing pages, and banners. In each case, the copy skills are implemented to persuade the reader to take an action according to the page's purpose.

A product description intends to sell, while the about us section presents the company's history and values to engage with the customers. Sephora, for example, uses copy in its home page to highlight the products on sale

Sephora home page

Source: Sephora

2. Brand Copy

The purpose of brand copy is to build a strong brand image that customers can relate to and feel connected with to build a strong and long-lasting relationship with your business.

One common strategy used is storytelling where the copywriter uses narrative elements to involve the reader and present the company's beliefs and history. Other techniques include creating a slogan and setting a tone of voice for the brand that sounds natural, like a conversation.

Lego's about us page is a great example of how you can present the brand core values in a way that catches the reader's attention and also creates a connection with them.

Lego Brand framework

Source: Lego

3. Online Advertisements

There is a wide variety of online advertisements, such as Google Ads, Social Media Ads, email ads, and so on. Copywriting is used in all of them, but in different ways, because it's necessary to adapt the message to the media type. The copy created for an Instagram ad will be probably different than the one used in a TikTok ad, for instance.

Chopova Lowena ad for Instagram shows how you can use an eye-catching image to align with the copywriting, in this case in the Instagram caption instigates the reader's curiosity to check the new collection. The CTA is clear and the reader can go to the brand's website with one click.

Chopova Lowena ad in Instagram

Source: Instagram

4. Email Copy

Email copy includes advertisements, newsletters, and other types of messages you send through this media.

The copywriting starts with the subject line as your first challenge is convincing the recipient to open your email, then persuasive copy techniques are implemented to instigate their interest in keep reading the message until the end, then follow the call to action.

5. Social Media Copy

Social Media copy includes the texts used in the brand's social media profiles and ads. It can be used on Instagram posts, tweet, LinkedIn articles, TikTok videos, and others.

You can include a link redirecting the customer to the company website to make a purchase, or you can use social media copy to encourage your target audience to engage with your posts, for example making surveys, asking them to leave comments, and sending direct messages.

Nike post shows how you can use copywriting on Instagram not only in the captions but in the image. The phrase "Don't let sparkles fool you" aligns perfectly with the image chosen.

Nike Instagram posts showing a gymnast from USA olympics team. In the image it's written "Don't let sparkles fool you".

Source: Nike Instagram Profile

6. Commercial or Script Copy

Copywriting is also used to write scripts for television and, and radio commercials. The script is built considering the purpose of the commercial and the media.

For example, for a TV commercial, it's necessary to keep in mind that a video requires a more natural dialogue, which needs to be aligned with the images. While, in a radio commercial, you rely only on the voice, audio effects, and songs that might be used, a good copy must take al that into account.

Benefits of Writing High-Quality Copy

Create Brand Awareness

By making good use of copy, you can boost your brand's visibility, and stand out from the competition. You can use copywriting to invite your target audience to follow your profiles on social media, tell your business story in an engaging way to connect with your customers, and show you share the same values.

Increase Conversion Rates

Copywriting main purpose is to persuade the target audience to follow the call to action, increasing conversion rates, as a consequence. For example, when you use copywriting techniques in website ads, banners, and landing pages. The use of the right words is decisive in convincing people to buy a product or subscribe to a service, for instance.

Engage with Your Target Audience

You can use copy to drive your target audience's attention and connect with them. For example, if you make a social media post talking about some of your customer's pain points and encourage them to share their opinion or to download an ebook your company has made specially to help them.

Nurture a Strong Relationship With Your Customers

When you know how to use copy in your business communication, it helps to keep your brand relevant to your customers. It can be through email campaigns, social media posts, blog articles, or commercials, for example, where you give compelling reasons for customers to choose your brand over and over instead of others.

How to Write a Good Copy in Marketing

1. Define Your Objectives

The first step to writing high-quality copy is setting clear goals. Otherwise, how are you going to know what to write if you don't know what you with to achieve? That's essential to know what tone of voice to use, and the benefits you can offer to convince the reader and to write an effective call to action.

2. Know Your Target Audience

What drives your target audience's attention? What compels them to make a purchase? What social media do they use? It's fundamental to answer those questions to know how you can persuade them to do what you desire and achieve your goals.

3. Choose the Right Tone of Voice

The tone of voice you will use depends on your brand's identity and the medium where the copy will be published. It's important to create brand guidelines that include how to address your customers, whether it should be formally or informally, for instance.

You can include words to avoid in the brand guidelines, and expressions to use. This helps to create a cohesive brand identity. The medium will influence the tone of voice as well. Social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok are more informal, while LinkedIn requires a professional tone.

4. Create a Strong Opening

The first words of your copy may dictate whether the person will continue reading your message or not. Search for creative ways to catch their attention and give convincing reasoning as to why they shouldn't just move on to another page.

You can show expressive statistics right away, and instigate their curiosity by asking a question they will know the answer along the text, for example. Remember the title must be attractive as well, and summarize in a few words the purpose of the text.

5. Put Yourself in the Reader's Shoes

When writing a copy, imagine, if you were the reader would you feel attracted by the text? What would make you follow the call to action? Trying to understand the reader's motivations and pain points is essential to write a convincing text.

6. Offer Solutions

To encourage the readers to follow your call to action, you need to give them reasons, and they must be good ones. One way to convince them is by showing how your product or service can solve their problem. Prove it with case studies, customer testimonials, statistics, and other reasons.

7. Use Emotions

Human beings are moved by emotions, and you can use them in your favor. For example, by creating storytelling that makes them feel joy and reminds them of good moments or surprising them with good news.

Have you ever noticed how Christmas commercials often show families reunited around a table, and use slogans that remind us of the importance of celebrating with the ones we love? That's a copy strategy to connect on an emotional level with the audience.

Another technique used is creating a sense of urgency, for example, by putting the number of products available in an ad. This instigates the fear of missing out (FOMO) where the customer feels compelled to make a purchase right away fearing the product won't be available later.

8. Write a Compelling Call to Action

The call to action needs to be short and clear, so the reader knows exactly what they need to do next. You can use design tools to help you by putting the CTA in a different color from the rest of the text or creating a button that shows where the customer must click to move to the next step.

The choice of words is essential to persuade the reader, once more, consider who you are addressing the message to.

9. Consider the Medium You Are Writing To

The reason there are different types of copy is each medium has its particularities, which requires creating texts that fit these characteristics. Before writing the copy, you need to know where the text will be published. Analyze the medium specificities, and what types of publications are popular in the platform.

10. Read the Text and Edit It

Once you have written the copy, read and re-read it as many times as you feel necessary, and make editions to improve it. This helps not only to avoid committing spelling and grammar mistakes, but as you re-read the text you can have insights to improve it.

11. Ask Someone to Review It

When we concentrate on writing a copy for too long, the mind gets tired and some mistakes may pass unnoticed. That's why it's helpful to ask someone else to proofread your copy, fresh eyes may help you perfect the text.

12. Keep Track of the Performance

After the copy has been published, use analytics tools such as the ones provided by Google, Facebook, and Instagram to keep track of key performance indicators such as the number of clicks on the CTA button, the time spent on a page, and the conversion rates. As you follow the metrics, you can notice strategies that aren't working and change them.

Copy In Marketing Can Make Your Business Grow

Now that the question "What is copy in marketing?" has been answered, the main point is understanding how this technique is useful to make small, medium, and large companies grow. And, you don't need to spend anything to start implementing copy techniques. You can test them in your social media posts, emails, and blog posts, for example. Use your creativity, and don't forget to track the key performance indicators.

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