How to install the chat code on ikas
In this article, we will tell you how to install the JivoChat on your ikas e-commerce site.
If you do not have a JivoChat account you have created earlier, you can also create your JivoChat account directly from ikas.
1. Log in to ikas
Log in to your admin panel of your online store at
2. Install JivoChat App
After logging in to the Admin panel, find JivoChat in Apps > App Store in the left menu and install it on your store.
3. Open JivoChat App
After installing the app, press Jivochat in My Apps. On the screen that opens, click Log In if you have an account or Register to create a JivoChat account
Enter the necessary information on the screen that opens and press the Next button. Since you can have more than one e-commerce site in ikas, select which e-commerce site you want to set up JivoChat in the next step and press the Complete button.
If you created your account via ikas, you can directly go to the JivoChat panel.
5. Congrats!
After seeing that success screen that’s all! Now you have our chat installed on your website and your customers will be able to chat with you.