Integration with SendPulse
The integration allows you to automatically transfer leads generated in JivoChat directly to a mailing list in your SendPulse account.
To connect SendPulse, access your JivoChat web application or one of our Desktop apps and go to Manage -> Integrations -> SendPulse.
After that, the connection page will open and you will need to fill in the following fields:
1.API ID and Personal API Key: Insert the API ID and Key from your SendPulse account.
To generate/view the API ID and Key, access your SendPulse account, click the upper right corner profile image and go to "Account settings".
Go to the menu "API", activate the "REST API" option and click to "Save".
The page will reload and present you with your ID and Secret (key). Copy these codes and insert them on their respective fields in JivoChat's integration menu.
2.Integration name. The name that will be displayed in the list of connected integrations. Any name will suffice.
3.Select channels for this integration. Click to open the list of available channels and select the ones to enable this integration.
Click to "Connect".
An extra field will appear on your screen. Select which mailing list from your SendPulse account shall receive new generated leads from JivoChat. After doing that, press "Connect" once more.
That's it! The integration is now successfully connected. Whenever a chat containing client's data is closed in JivoChat, a lead will be automatically sent to/updated on your selected SendPulse mailing list.