6 Reasons Your Tickets Store Needs an Online Chat

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Paulo Andraus
Paulo Andraus
Super Seller

People are making purchases online every day, through their smartphones or desktop computers, if you own an online store that sells tickets, be it for a theater, for music concerts, sport matches, comedy shows or any kind of event you already know that visitors many times have questions to ask before booking their seats online.

Today, being able to assist your potential customers through email and phone alone isn’t enough. Your visitors are not going to be satisfied unless they can get their problems solved and their questions answered as quickly as possible, and nothing delivers high-quality customer service faster than an online chat on your own website. Check out this list with 6 benefits of having an online chat for your tickets store and learn how it can positively impact your business.

1. Assist your visitors and make them feel valued

Sometimes your visitors can run into a variety of different issues when trying to purchase online. These can range from billing information and payment issues to simply not understanding how to use your ecommerce platform correctly.

Having an online chat gives your visitors a visible, quick and professional way of having these issues solved without the need to wait for email replies or having to call your company's inline phone. This also improves your employees’ efficiency, allowing one of your representative to take on multiple chat sessions at the same time, increasing your general customer satisfaction.

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Customer Satisfaction

2. Satisfy your visitors by delivering convenience

Having an online chat is not just about being able to deliver customer support, but also convenience. Your visitors will be much happier being able to directly ask one of your store representatives if tickets for a specific event are still available rather than receiving a bland error message at some point while attempting to buy one, for example.

Nobody likes to miss out on an event because the tickets were sold out and not a lot can be done about that, but this also gives your store an opportunity to suggest different events or inform your visitors of future ones, potentially transforming a frustrated visitor into a new lead.

3. Be able to offer special deals

Very often, companies, families or even just a big group of friends want to book their seats for an event together. Having an online chat on your tickets store website gives your potential customers the best possible channel to negotiate and get discounts or special deals for being a bigger group of people.

Your visitors will learn that your company cares about their satisfaction and will return in the future for their next purchases. A satisfied customer will definitely be willing to recommend your store to their acquaintances, helping your business grow.

4. Set up customized triggers and be proactive

If you want to inform your visitors of incoming events and shows, an online chat will give you an alternative way to reach out to your potential customers and invite them over to start a new chat session with one of your company representatives through proactive invitations. Good online chat solutions allow you to set up customized triggers for your well-timed greetings.

Being proactive and greeting your visitors instead of waiting for them to come to you is a great way to increase your brand’s presence on your own website. Allowing you to transform what would be a general online experience into a personalized one, catching your visitors’ attention and immediately increasing their trust in your store.

You would also be able to prepare in advance for big traffic on your website by setting up automatic messages to inform your visitors of changes in tickets availability or which shows are going to be quickly sold out.

Proactive Invitations

5. Receive Feedback and obtain information for your marketing campaigns

Most visitors will not be willing to immediately register on your website or provide their contact information such as their email address or phone number. We already know that an online chat impacts your visitors’ trust in your brand, it also gives them the opportunity to interact with your company before providing any kind of information.

Through an online chat session, your online store representatives will be able to approach your potential customers in a personalized way. You’ll be able not only to obtain contact information which can be used on your marketing campaigns but also to receive Feedback about your offerings, how well information is being displayed to your visitors, how easy to navigate is your store, etc.

Use this information to improve your platform, deliver personalized marketing campaigns for specific target audiences and boost your online sales.

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6. Be available on Mobile

For any business to remain competitive on the market today, it needs to have a strong presence on mobile platforms. Having an online chat on your store allows your business to reach out and assist your visitors anywhere, while they are on the move. More and more people are using their smartphones to make purchases and an online chat is the perfect solution to deliver high-quality service to your potential customers on that platform.

Don’t lose any leads just because they are not on their home computers. Your business needs to be ready to take advantage of this growing trend that is mobile ecommerce, which will help increase your online presence and growth.

Mobile Customers

Jivochat is the right choice for your online Tickets Store

Being the most complete online chat solution, Jivochat is able to deliver all features you need for your online store, including the ability to connect to different platforms and apps such as Facebook’s Messenger, Viber, and more. Your visitors are going to be able to initiate chat sessions through text or voice, talk to your representative and get their questions answered. Increase your online presence and catch your visitors attention with Jivochat!

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