How to Change LinkedIn URL in 7 Steps

If you are a LinkedIn user and want to discover how to change LinkedIn URL, we have good news for you: it just takes a few clicks. The LinkedIn profile has become an important asset for getting a new job.
The platform is used by recruiters from industries of different sectors all over the world to evaluate candidates. Therefore, it has become a common practice to ask candidates to insert their LinkedIn URLs in their curriculum vitae. To make it easier for people to find you and look professional, it's pertinent to customize the URL with your name. Check out how to do that.
Why Change Your LinkedIn URL
When you create a profile on LinkedIn, an URL will be automatically created too since it's the web address that enables people to access your profile in the platform. This happens with every online page on the internet, to enter a page, for example, to read a blog article, you need to have its URL.
You may not have to type the URL if you found the link on a Google search, for instance, or browsing through LinkedIn. But, if the recruiter will access your LinkedIn profile through the link you put in your curriculum vitae, he will visualize and may even analyze your URL.
A customized URL gives you credibility. It shows you pay attention and care about the small details, and put effort into looking professional. Besides, it highlights your technological knowledge.
Another advantage is that your profile becomes easier to find. For example, the URL "Jonh" is easier to remember than "John45". The use of numbers seems random and doesn't help much to distinguish yourself from the crowd.
How to Choose Your URL
Beyond understanding how to change LinkedIn URL, is also important to know how to choose the best URL for you. The most advisable is to use your name and last name. A URL with just the first name like in the example above "Jonh", probably will be used already.
You should think of your name as a brand. It's obviously associated with you, when people think of you it's easier to remember your name than one random combination of words and numbers. However, if there is already a LinkedIn URL with your name, you can try other combinations, use your middle name or just the initials, for example.
For instance, instead of "JohnSmith", the URL could be "JohnSamSmith" or "JohnSSmith". Another possibility is to use your profession in the URL, like "ArchitectJonhSmith". The main focus is always to look professional and have an easy-to-remember URL.
LinkedIn URL Restrictions
After learning how to change LinkedIn URL, pay attention to the restrictions the platform has established to customize the URL.
- The URL must contain between 3 to 100 characters;
- It can't have space, symbols, or special characters;
- The URL can be changed up to 5 times within 6 months.
How to Change LinkedIn URL
1 - Sign in to your LinkedIn account;
2 - Click on the "Me" icon;
3 - Select the option "View Profile";
4 - On your profile page, click on the pencil icon close to "Public Profile & URL";
5 - Click on the pencil icon in the section "Edit your custom URL";
6 - Change the URL;
7 - Click on "Save".
Make Your LinkedIn More Professional
Now that you have learned how to change LinkedIn URL, visit your LinkedIn profile and check what is your URL. Does it look professional enough? If not, follow the steps and customize it to boost your credibility, and make your profile stand out even more.
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