Why You Should Have a Knowledge Base On Your Website

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Lucas C.
Lucas C.
Ninja do Suporte

Today, customers want to get their problems solved and their questions answered as fast as possible. There are many ways to deliver quick and responsive customer support through different channels. An online chat is a great example of that. Even then, companies don’t want their support representatives being overwhelmed with questions that have small chances of converting.

This is exactly why you should consider having a knowledge base on your website. With it, you'll be able to improve the quality of customers requesting direct support from your support channels while providing self-service help to visitors with commonly asked questions. Check these benefits of having a knowledge base on your website.

First, what is a knowledge base?

A knowledge base is a self-service help desk for your products, services, departments, payment methods or pretty much anything people would like to know about your company before purchasing from it. There are different ways of employing a knowledge base, consider these:

  • An FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions): this is probably the most used way to set up a knowledge base on your website. After collecting questions asked frequently to your support team, you’ll be able to allow future visitors to have them promptly answered through your FAQ without the need to contact your support channels.
  • Troubleshooting guides and Tutorials: these are especially useful if the product your company offers requires any kind of technical knowledge, such as computer software. Providing installation and usage guides in this scenario is a great way to help your customers get their problems solved.
  • Community or Forum: here users of your product or service are going to share their piece of advice and knowledge with other visitors. It is a great way to create an environment where people can help each other without the need of your support representatives to take over. Thought it is important to keep an eye out in case threads go unanswered, you do not want to leave your potential customers without answers.

These are just some of the most common models of a knowledge base, you probably have seen at least one of them while browsing.

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Frequently Asked Questions

It helps to build trust

Having a knowledge base on your website is a great way to show your company is compromised in making sure its visitors feel safe and have access to critical information before finalizing their purchases. Whether it’s information on payment methods, delivery fees and taxes that may apply or guides on how to use your products, potential customers will be satisfied to have access to that information without the need to contact your support representatives.

This will help to build trust in your brand while also providing high-quality self-service customer support. Making people trust your business is a crucial factor for success, especially for new companies attempting to enter competitive markets.

Build Trust

Improve your support team’s efficiency

By giving your visitors access to a self-service support platform, you will be able to decrease the load on your customer service representatives. Therefore, increasing their efficiency and improving the quality of questions and situations that require their attention.

It is important to remember that a knowledge base doesn’t replace your direct support channels. It only helps it to perform better, complementing it. You will still want to maintain your direct channels such as a support ticket system or an online chat. In fact, having a knowledge base alone and no means for visitors to request further support can be detrimental to your business.

Read Also: How an Online Chat Can Help Your Ecommerce Grow!

It serves your own company

Not every visitor will ultimately want to browse your knowledge base to find out if the answer to their questions is there or not. Those are still going to turn to more convenient support alternatives (when provided), such as your website’s online chat. Which means that even though the answers to their question is promptly available, your support representatives will still have to help them through.

Your knowledge base can be used by your own support team, whether as a source of information and reference to deal with different issues, or even as a training tool for new employees. Improving your team’s ability to deliver high-quality support even further.

Customer Service

Keep it updated

While having a great and well-kept knowledge base will boost your visitors’ satisfaction, an outdated one will instead damage your company’s reputation. Your knowledge base has to be updated regularly to remain relevant to your potential customers. Gather information from your support team on new questions or problems requiring frequent attention and include them on your already existing knowledge base.

Also, if you stop offering or working with specifics products, be sure to remove any kind of outdated information related to it from your knowledge base. Whether it’s an FAQ or tutorial and troubleshooting guides, be sure that every information provided is fresh and still serves your visitors well.

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Enhance your customer experience with JivoChat

Having an online chat on your website will not only help supply any kind of support demand coming from your visitors but will also allow you to tackle opportunities without having to wait for your customers to come to you. Through an online chat solution, you’ll be able to identify if a visitor is browsing your knowledge base and reach out to them offering further assistance with proactive invitations, for example.

JivoChat is a complete online chat platform that will let you guarantee no potential customer leaves your page or withdraws from a purchase because their questions didn’t get answered. Besides, you’ll be able to offer support through different platforms - including mobile - for even more customer convenience. Don’t lose any more sales, get JivoChat for your website right now and be able to gather crucial information to improve your knowledge base even further!

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