Online Chat For Ecommerce: How to Use

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Lucas C.
Lucas C.
Ninja do Suporte

Today, customer service is something we don’t take for granted while browsing through many different social media, blogs and online shops. As visitors, we expect to have all the info we need available and whenever that doesn’t happen, unless the visited page has an online chat, we’re more likely to leave to find another solution than to wait on a support email or ticket reply.

If you’re an Ecommerce owner, having an online chat on your store page can positively influence your sales as well as improve your visitors’ trust in your brand. But the truth is, many companies don’t utilize online chats to its best. Just getting your chat working and assigning a support representative to answer your customers’ questions is not enough, take a look at these tips on how to best use an online chat for your ecommerce.

Use Preset Answers

It is common for visitors to have questions before finalizing their purchases, many of these issues are well-known and frequently asked, such as "How do I purchase this product?" or "My discount coupon doesn’t work!". This makes it easier for your company to create preset answers for predictable issues your customers might face. This will help to make sure your customer support representatives already know exactly how to deal with these issues as well as improve how quickly they’ll be able to address them.

It is important to keep in mind that you don’t ever want to deliver a wrong automated response to your customers. They’ll immediately recognize that your support representative replied without properly reading and understanding what was the real problem, which will lead to visitors feeling unvalued, negatively impacting their trust in your company. You don’t want to sound like a robot.

Also, don’t forget to look out for better ways to improve how well information is being displayed to your visitors. If you’re often getting questions such as "Where can I find this product in your website" that could indicate that navigating through your website’s categories and different pages isn’t as easy as it should.

Set Goals For Your Team

Each of your support representatives should have their own goals of how many sales should be achieved in a period of time, which could be per week or monthly. This is a great way to reflect your company’s expectations and ensure your online chat is not there only for show.

For that, remember to train your customer support representatives properly so they can approach your visitors in an efficient way with the correct mindset of closing sales. Be sure to set up and make use of various online chat tools such as proactive invitations to help your representatives achieve their goals. Keep these goals realistic and adjust them as you start getting a higher number of visits or when offering special deals and discounts, such as Black Friday’s sales.

Also, consider creating specific goals for your chat operators such as how many follow up calls were made after managing to finalize a sale with your visitors. It is important to make the best use of your online chat Call Back tool! This is a great way to catch your customer’s attention and remind them of your brand for future sales, making them feel valued and greatly boosting your overall customer satisfaction.

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Set Up Goals

Integrate With Facebook and Other Apps

Look for an online chat solution that allows you to integrate your service with other apps and social media, such as Facebook! Jivochat is an online chat solution that delivers this feature for you, not only with Facebook’s Messenger but also Viber, Telegram, and other apps.

That is a great way to widen your reach and deliver even more convenience to your visitors. They won’t need to switch tabs or open up different apps to get in touch with your support team. Your operators will get all incoming support requests on the same platform, which will not only allow them to address issues coming from anywhere, but also make it much easier for your managers to collect data from the chat sessions on these platforms by having everything in one place.

Integrate With Apps

Use It With Your Exchange & Refund Department

Consider integrating your online chat with your email domain and use the same platform to solve issues when your customers are looking to exchange purchased goods or even refund them.

This is especially useful for online shops that sell clothes, shoes and other wears for example. Which are commonly exchanged items, usually due to size differences and variations that can lead to a frustrated purchase.

Exchanging products isn’t really a flavored thing, and absolutely no Ecommerce wants to have their sales refunded. But being able to deliver good customer support in these scenarios can be a deciding factor on whether your customer will come back in the future for a different purchase or not!

Remember, an online chat is all about delivering high-quality customer service and convenience. No matter how dire the situation, your team should be ready and eager to assist any troubled lead.

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Include It In Your Strategy

An online chat can be part not only of your sales strategy but also your Marketing and Advertising campaigns. Consider using your online chat to collect emails from your leads for future use on your marketing campaigns.

Also, be ready to receive visitors asking about new products and offerings on your website coming from your published Ads on Facebook or other social media. Leverage your online chat to the max by including it in your company’s strategies and using it as a way to reach out to your potential customers and make them feel valued.

Collect and analyze the data from your chat sessions to improve your listings, create discounts and further enhance your business. An online chat can be much more than just a platform to deliver customer service, use it to its limits!

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Include In Your Strategy

Boost Your Sales And Deliver Excellent Customer Service With Jivochat

Jivochat is the online chat solution for your company. It allows you to do everything mentioned in this article in an intuitive way. If you’re an ecommerce owner, you won’t want to be behind your competitors in the customer service subject, and nothing will help you always be able to deliver the best service and convenience more than Jivochat. Get it on your ecommerce website right away and start impressing your customers and catching their attention by using all of the tips in this post!

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